Education Structure in Argentina
The structure of Argentina education starts with the school education, followed by the higher education. The school education begins with early childhood education/pre-school education.
School Education in Argentina
In Argentina, the basic general compulsory education lasts for 9 years leading to the “General Basic Education Certificate" (Certificado de Educacion General Basica). Secondary education is included in the last cycle of basic general education and polymodal education, and leads to the Bachillerato. In parallel to the upper-secondary-polymodal education, there is a technical secondary education which leads to the title of Tecnico. A few schools in Argentina offer programmes that last for 1 year and lead to the Bachillerato especializado.
Higher Education in Argentina
Higher education in Argentina is provided by national and private universities, university institutes and institutes. It is split up into three levels: tertiary education level, university level and postgraduate level. The National Interuniversity Council (Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional, or CIN) manages the policies of the national universities. Private universities in Argentina are independent but must be recognized by the state and their programmes and course structure must be approved by it. The National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation (Consejo Nacional de Evaluacion y Acreditacion Universitaria, or CONEAU) administers the external evaluations of all universities, accredits graduate programmes and provides permission for the setting up of new universities.
Structure of Argentina Education
Compulsory Education
Length of Compulsory Education:
Pre-School Education
- Duration: 1 year
- Ages: 5 to 6
Basic General Education
- Duration: 9 years
- Ages: 6 to 14
- Credential Awarded: Certificate of primary education (Certificado de Educacion Primaria) or Certificate of basic general education (Certificado de Educacion General Basica)
Primary Education
- Level: EGB1 and EGB2
- Duration: 6 years
- Grade: 1 to 6
- Ages: 6-11
Secondary Education
Secondary education is divided into lower-secondary and upper-secondary education.
- Level: EGB3
- Duration: 3 years
- Grades: 7-9
- Ages: 12-14
Upper-Secondary (Polymodal Secondary) Education
- Duration: 3 years
- Ages: 15 to 17
- Grades: 10-12
- Credential awarded: Certificate of school education in.. (different fields) (Certificado de Educacion Polimodal en … different orientations), Bachiller en …(different fields), , Tecnicos Medios, Peritos, Auxiliares
Technical Secondary Education
- School type: School of technical education (Escuela de Educacion Tecnica)
- Duration: 3 years
- Ages: 15 to 19
- Credential Awarded: Technical constructor (Tecnico constructor), Electronic technician (Tecnico electronic), etc.
Higher Education
The higher education is split up into three levels:
Tertiary Education level: This level is related to education or technical professions
University level: This level offers professional education
Post-graduate level: This level offers specialized and research-oriented studies
School Leaving and Higher Education Credentials
- Bachillerato
- Bachillerato Especializado
- Titulo Menor
- Bachelor Degree (Bachiller Universitario)
- Profesorado
- Licenciatura
- Professional Title
- Especializacion
- Master (Maestria)
- Doctorate (Doctorado)