Educational Accreditation Bodies in Argentina
The accreditation ensures that the education provided by the educational institutions and universities meets the acceptable levels of quality. The accreditation authority reviews the institutions and the degree programmes offered with a list of standards, which may vary. Following are the accrediting authorities and national bodies in Argentina:
National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation (CONEAU)
The CONEAU functions under the authority of the Ministry of National Education. It oversees the external evaluations of all the universities and institutions of higher education in Argentina, and also manages the authorization process for setting up of new universities. It also accredits undergraduate and graduate programme. For more details see official website
Ministry of Education (Ministerio de Educacion)
The Ministry of Education sets, monitors and evaluates the educational policies and strategies. For effective administration of education policies across Argentina the ministry has several nodal agencies under it. For exclusive details see official website
National Interuniversity Council (Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional, or CIN)
The National Interuniversity Council manages university activities, recommends the formation of academic units; takes part in university policy planning, and also give advice and recommendation to the Ministry. For exclusive details see official website
Council of Rectors of the Private Universities (Consejo de Rectores de Universidades Privadas, or CRUP)
The Council of Rectors of the Private Universities coordinates the private universities activities. It also provides opinions to the Ministry of Education on matters related to the private universities. For exclusive details see official website
Regional Higher Education Planning Council ( Consejos Regionales de Planificacion de la Educacion Superior, or ERCP, CPRES)
Regional Planning Councils of Higher Education (ERCP) was established by Article 10 of Law 24,521, known as the Higher Education Act. For exclusive details see official website page